Best PHP Training Classes
Why Best PHP Training Classes in Bhubaneswar at Lakshya
A class in PHP is where we teach objects how to behave. Education at Lakshya means way to success. The way of teaching by corporate trainers will bloom your career. We have the best PHP training classes in Bhubaneswar. 100% Placement Support. Job Support Post Training. This course will give you a firm foundation in PHP, commonly used programming language.
why Lakshya is the No.1 institute
- Learn from Corporate Trainer
- Logic Development Class Every Sunday Free
- How to create your resume
- How to maintain your linkedIn / Indeed / naukri
- Update your GIT Repo - By Er. Nagarjun
- Providing Course wise Assessment only at Lakshya
- How to represent yourself in interview - By Er. Swati Srinivas
- Doubt Clear classes anytime everyday
- 100% job assurance
- Experienced Career Consultant - Er. Prabin K Rout / Er. Sritam / Er. Bishnu
- Corporate Syllabus
- Incomparable Syllabus
- Learn from MICROSOFT Certified Professional
- Learn secret step for Campus requirement
- Real Industrial Application of using MVC
- Fully Practical and Interactive Session
- Grooming for Project Demonstration in Campus Interview
- Weekly Workshop on Respective module for Skill Development
- Special Guidance for LIVE Project
- Weekly Online Test for Skill Assessment
- An Earning and Learning Opportunity to all.
- SEO Tips, Study Materials
- Industrial Training from the Leader
- Interview based Q & A discussion
- Free Career consultation
Trainer Profile

Er. Jitu Sahoo
CEO at Lakshya services private limited
M.TECH in Computer Science & Engineering
Freelancing as Corporate Trainer of Infosys , TCS , NIFT , Aspire, HiTech , NIFD, CEB , ITER, Silicon GIET , GITA , CUTM , Sophitorium
Contact / WhatsApp: +91 90905 19502
Training Email:
Introduction to PHP
PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. PHP is a widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP.
Module 1- Introduction
- Introduction to PHP
- Introduction to Web application
- Intranet / internet
- Server and client
- Web page
- Script
- What is PHP?
- History of PHP
- Versions and Differences between them
- Practicality
- Power
- Why PHP?
Module 2- Installation and configuring
- Apache, MySQL, PHP
- Client Server Configuration
- Document Root
- Local host
- Dreamweaver
- Sublime
- Port, IP
Module 3- HTML
- What is HTML?
- HTML with PHP
- HTML data types
- HTML / HTML 5 Tags
Module 4- Style Sheet/CSS
- What is Style Sheet?
- Why Style Sheet
- Declaration of Style Sheet
- Apply Style Sheet
- Style Attributes
- CSS 3
- Advance CSS3
Module 5- JavaScript
- Introduction
- JavaScript declaration
- Syntax and Comments
- Variables, Operators
- Control structure
- Functions in JavaScript
- Events
- DOM Variable
- XMLHttpRequest and ActiveX Object
- Response Text and responseXml
- Cookie
Module 6– JQuery
- Introduction
- Features of JQuery
- Steps to use JQuery
- Functions
- Action/Event
- Selectors
Module 7- Ajax
- What is Ajax?
- Synchronous and asynchronous
- $.Ajax, $.post, $.get
- Ajax with XML
Module 8- Bootstrap
- Introduction
- Setting of Bootstrap
- Grid System
- Responsive Helper
- Text, Button, Icon, Menu etc.
- Customize Bootstrap
Module 9– PHP Basics
- Default Syntax
- Styles of PHP Tags
- PHP Page
- Comments in PHP
- Php Page and HTML page
- Output functions in PHP
- Configuration Settings
- Error Types
- Datatypes in PHP
Module 10- Variable in PHP
- Variable Declarations
- Variable Scope
- Scalar Type Compound Type
- Special Type
- Variable Variables
- Scalar type declarations.
- PHP’s Superglobal Variables
- $_GET
- $_POST
- $_ENV
- global
Module 11- Cookie and Session
- What is state management
- Types of State Management
- Why Cookies
- Types of Cookies
- How to Create and Access Cookies
- Session Variables
- Creating and Destroying a Session
- Retriving and Setting the Session ID
- Encoding and Decoding Session Data
- Auto-Login, Remember Me feature
- Recently Viewed Document Index
Module 12- Conversion
Module 13- Control Statements
- Execution Control Statements
- Conditional Statements
- if-else, switch-case, while,
- do-while, for, foreach, break,
- continue, return, exit, die, include,
- include_once, require,
- require_once, declare
Module 14- Operators
- Arithematic Operators
- Comparision Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Scope Resolution Operators
- Null coalescing operator
- Spaceship operator
Module 15- Functions
What is Function?
Creating Functions
Nested Function
Passing Arguments by Value
Passing Arguments by Reference
Returning values
Returning an array
Variable function
Recursive Functions
Predefined function
Helper Functions
Return type declarations
Module 16- String with Functions
- Declarations styles of String Variables
- Searching & Replacing String
- Creating and accessing String
- Formatting String
- Heredoc style
- Related Library function
Module 17- MBSTRING
Module 18- Date Time with Functions
Module 19- Arrays
- What is an Array?
- How to create an Array
- Numeric Array.
- Associative Array
- Different types of arrays available in PHP
- Traversing Arrays
- PHP array functions
Module 20- BCMATH
- Bcadd, bcsub,bcmul,bcdiv,
- bcmod,bcpow,bcsqrt,
- bcscale,bccomp,
- bcpowmod
Module 21- OOPS in PHP
- What is OOPS?
- Class, Object, Inheritance,
- Polymorphism, abstraction,
- Encapsulation
- Concepts of object.
- Constructor & destructor
- Static, Constant & Global
- Constants in PHP
- Magic Constants
- Standard Pre-defined Constants
- User defined Constants
- Define function
- Magic Method _set() , __construct() etc.
- Object Cloning and Copy
- Reflections
- Namespace
- Anonymous classes
Module 22- Database [MySQL]
- Introduction to database?
- What is information and data?
- How to maintain database.
- What is MySQL?
- Integration with MySQL
- Storage Engines
- MySQL functions
- PHP My Admin
- Security database
Module 23- SQL
- DDL commands
- DML Commands
- DCL Command
- TCL Commands
- Question and Answer
Module 24 – PHP with MySQL
- Connection with MySQL
- Command
- Execute
- Fetch
- Insert, delete, and update records
- Security
- .ini file
- OOPS with MySQL
- PHP MySQL functions
Module 25 – Login Module
- Registration code
- Login code
- Forget password code
- Change password code
- Logout Code
- Count no of visitors visits your webpages.
Module 26 – Image Manipulation
- GD Library
- Functions of GD Library
- Blank image
- Recourse of an image
- Filtering an image
- Image format, size
- Create thumb size image
- Uploading an image
- Resize an image
- Compress an image
- Cropping an image
Module 27– File Handling and OS
- File and directory
- Open, close, Read, write, append, delete
- Uploading and downloading files.
- File exists
- File Size
- Rename
- Display all files present in a directory.
- Reading and displaying all images present inside a directory.
- Displaying all titles inside a directory of pages.
- Create Directories and Manipulate them
- Information about Hard Disk
- Calculating File, Directory and Disk Sizes
- File Uploading and Downloading using Headers
Module 28– Error and Exception Handling
- Error Logging
- Error Reporting
- Types of Exceptions
- Diff. between Exception & Error
- Throwing an Exception
- PHP’s Exception Class
- Custom Exception
- Re-throwing an Exception
- Try, catch
Module 29– CMS
Module 30–WordPress [CMS]
- What is WordPress?
- Installation steps
- POST , Media , Comment
- Page , Menu , Header and footer
- Theme ,Plugin
- Widgets
- Visual composer
- WooCommerce
Advance PHP
Module 1- Advance JQuery
Module 2- JSON
- What is JSON?
- JSON syntax
- Single, 2D JSON object
- JSON with Ajax
Module 3– API Integration
- What is an API?
- API Provider
- API code
- Implementation
- RSS Syntax
- Web Services
- Creating REST Services
- How to consume and us Web Services/APIs in projects
Module 4– SMS Integration
Module 5– Curl
- Activate curl library
- Curl_init ()
- Curl_setopt ()
- Curl_exec ()
- Curl_close ()
Module 6– Webhosting
Module 7– Mailing Integration
- Protocols
- HTTP Headers and types
- PHP mail () function
- Sending Mails using PHP
- Mail from localhost
- PHP Mailer
- Email with Attachment
- Definition and usage PHP Mailer
Module 8– Magneto [CMS]
- Introduction
- Installation Steps
- Theme
- Header and Footer
- Pages
- Menu Bar
- Add and Manage Product
- Display products in pages
- Add to cart
- Payment gateway integration
Module 9 – MVC
- What is MVC?
- M-Model
- V-View
- C-Controller
- What is Smarty?
- What is template compilation?
- Features of Smarty template engine.
- Steps to use Smarty.
- What is Smarty Class, Object?
- Smarty Variable
- Smarty Operators
- Smarty Control Structures
- MVC using Smarty
- Common class
Module 10– XML and XSLT
- What is XML
- XML, XML Schema and DTD
- DOM interface
- Simple XML String
- Simple XML File
- Reading Information from XML File
- Create a XML file from PHP with Database records
- XSLT transformations and programming
Module 11 – Hash
- PHP sha1() function
- Md5
- Definition and usage
Module 12– MySql Part 2
- Mysql Workbench
- SQL Injection
- Uploading and downloading images in Database
- Stored Procedures
- Indexing , Triggers
- Views , Cursors
Module 13– PDO
- Introduction to PDO
- PDO Object
- PDO::Begin Transaction
- PDO::Commit
- PDO::Query
- PHO::exec
- PDO::error info
- PDO Statement
- PDO Exception
Module 14 – ZIP
- Introduction to ZIP library
- Functions
- ZipAchive , Zip Create , Zip Entry
- Zip Open , Zip Close ,Zip Read
Module 15 – ODBC
- Creating an ODBC
- Retrieving an ODBC
- Retrieving fields from ODBC
- Closing an ODBC
Module 16–Regular Expressions
- Syntax
- Definition and Usage
- Patton and modifier
- Expression
- Validating textboxes,emails,phone numbered etc.
- Creating custom regular expressions
Module 17– Open SSL
- Introduction
- Installing/configuring
- Predefined constants
- OpenSSL functions
Module 18– POSIX and Authentication
- Introduction posix
- Installing/Configuring
- Predefined Constants
- POSIX Functions
- HTTP Authentication
- Implementing Authentication in PHP
- Authentication Methodologies
Module 19 – Angular
- Introduction and overview
- AngularJS Directives , Expression , Application
- Object , Array ,Data Binding , MVC ,Filter
- $http , CSS , SQL
- DOM , Events
- Bootstrap
- Login using Angular JS
Module 20 – Laravel
- What is Framework
- What is Composer
- Commands of Composer
- Route Configuration
- Database Configuration
- Layout Templates
- View
- Controllers
- Models
- Blade
- Session , Cookie
- Mailing, Validation
- AJAX , Query builde